2022-2023 Children and Youth Release Form

Annual Youth Release Form
Parental Information

Child #1 Information

Please select one option.
Child #2 Information

Please select one option.
Child #3 Information

Please select one option.
Child #4 Information

Child #5 Information

Emergency Contact Information

Permission to Share Photograph

Please select one option.
Annual Permission for Special Activities

The Child Protection Policy applies to all activities or events planned and approved by the Elizabethtown Church of the Brethren church staff or any church ministry board, committee or team designed specifically for children/youth.

1.  I understand and acknowledge that if a situation arises during which any of the policy goals cannot be reasonably met due to unavoidable circumstances, the adults involved will accommodate the policy as far as they are able, in accordance with the spirit of the policy.

2.  I understand and acknowledge that if my child is involved with the mentoring program at the ELIZABETHTOWN CHURCH OF THE BRETHREN, there may be times when my child will be alone with their mentor.

3.  I understand and acknowledge that those transporting children/youth must be 18 years of age or older, hold a valid senior driver's license, present current insurance of car being used and obey all traffic laws, including use of seat belts.

4.  I understand and acknowledge that if an event is held at the ELIZABETHTOWN CHURCH OF THE BRETHREN, then at least one approved adult male and one approved adult female chaperone will be present at all times for overnight events if children/youth from both genders are participating.

5.  I understand and acknowledge that overnight activities for youth are sometimes held in conjunction with other organizations, in which case, the ELIZABETHTOWN CHURCH OF THE BRETHREN does not guarantee that the sponsoring organization has adopted the provisions of the Child Protection Policy.

6.  I understand and acknowledge that my written permission is required on an ANNUAL BASIS in order for my child to participate in youth activities.  I understand that I will receive notifications before each specific event and agree to future activities as indicated in the weekly Etown CoB church bulletin/calendar. 
Please select all that apply.


Annual Youth Release Form